Why Katahdin?
The Katahdin are a breed of sheep that have maintained their natural, historical instincts. Because of this, they are easy to care for and do well in more natural pasture environments. They are not a wool breed and have been selectively bred to focus on nutritional, high muscled meat with a light flavor.
Click on the topics below to read more about our Katahdin and why we love them!
As noted in the breed standard by the Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI), these sheep are hardy and thrive in a variety of harsh environments. This means that they convert food and energy efficiently, regardless of the temperatures and climates. This was a plus for us with the harsh dry summers of California.
They are a wool-less breed that shed in the warmer seasons and grow a thicker hair coat in colder months. They are parasite resistant. The Katahdin are also easy lambers with a strong maternal instinct. These factors mean that we can let the sheep live more naturally, with little interference or labor through most of the year.
Our breeding stock are all registered with Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI). Our bloodlines come from long time breeders of Katahdin Hair Sheep, who breed for meat, milk, parasite tolerance, and fertility. This bloodline of sheep are broad shouldered, long loined, and heavy muscled animals that top out in the 200 lb. range.
Our breeders come from stock that have been Codon 171 genotype tested. We are part of, and keep records for the USDA scrapie program.
We set up a breeding system to allow our ewes a break in-between breeding. Because of this, we do not run our ram(s) with the ewes, and do seasonal breeding. Our ewes lamb in the spring time. After weaning, we can have feeders and breeders available.
The Katahdin lamb is high in protein and much healthier than common commercial breeds of lamb. In fact, the Katahdin lamb meat is lower in cholesterol and fat than many other red meat choices.
Katahdin meat is mild in flavor. If you like strong, gamy meat or mutton, this is not the meat for you. The taste is similar to a comparable cut of beef, and should be seasoned similarly.

Lamb in a box
We have butcher ready lambs in the fall and winter months. Contact us to see availability. We connect you with a trusted butcher who can offer you custom wrap and cut choices. You get a whole lamb with your favorite cuts, wrapped, labeled with weights, and frozen. This meat is mild in flavor, high in protein, and low in fat. Lambs are sold at 6.25 lb at hanging weight, plus butcher fees. These lambs will be approximately 90 to 140 pounds at live weight. You can expect the hanging weight to be about 50% of the live weight. Support your local farm and try the best lamb you have ever tasted!